Streamline Your Content Creation Workflow

Hello Reader,

Are you on the verge of burnout from creating content for social media?

Does creating content drain your energy?

Creating content doesn’t have to feel like a never-ending daunting task.

It can actually be quite easy if you implement some time-management principles in your content marketing workflow.

I want to share some ways you can improve your content creation workflow to help you save time every time you sit down to create your content.

A content creation workflow is a series of tasks or actions that you take that move you closer to the finish line. To put this into action, there are a few simple tools you’ll need.

Here are the tools you’ll need to help improve your content creation workflow:

📝 Notebook: So you can list out the steps you need to take to get you from ideation to completion (e.g. keyword research, outline blog post, write a blog post, edit a blog post, design graphics, publish, etc.)

Timer: You'll use this to track how long it takes you to complete your tasks. You could also use Toggl to help you track your progress. You want to track how much time you take to complete each task so that you can improve your workflow or eliminate unnecessary steps.

🖥 Project management tool: Choose a project management tool that will help you keep track of your projects and tasks that are part of your content creation workflow (e.g. Asana, Trello, ClickUp, Notion, etc).

Streamline Your Content Creation Workflow :

Theme your days

If you’re having a hard time getting your content creation tasks done, try theming your day.

Theming your days (similar to a workout schedule or class schedule), helps you eliminate distractions and helps you focus on tasks that fall within that theme.

For example, if on Mondays you decide to focus on writing, you can spend a portion of your day writing an outline for a blog post or video script or writing the captions for your Instagram posts.

This approach can come in handy if you feel like you’re scattered and don’t feel like you’re making progress with your content creation workflow.

Here’s an example of how theming your days could look:

M – Writing
T – Designing
W – Editing blog post
TH – Editing captions
F – Scheduling

Batch your work

When you batch your work, you can group similar tasks to help make sure you’re not task-switching.

Multi-tasking doesn’t make us more productive so don’t waste your time jumping from random tasks to another.

Instead, stay in your zone of genius by batching similar tasks together.

Here’s an example of how you might batch similar tasks together:

  • Writing: Blog post, script your video, write social media captions
  • Designing: Pinterest graphics, YouTube thumbnail, social media graphics
  • Editing: Editing blog post, newsletter, script, videos or photos
  • Upload/Optimize: Upload videos, blog posts and images
  • Scheduling: Scheduling all videos, social media posts and blog posts

When you batch similar tasks together, you’ll be able to tackle a project into more digestible chunks and it will help improve your productivity and overall workflow.

Focus on one project at a time:

How is all of that multitasking and task-switching working out for you?

Are you checking things off of your to-do list?

Chances are that if you’re jumping from task to task, you’re probably completing a few things here and there and not being as effective if you took a different approach and applied laser focus to a project at a time.

Juggling multiple projects is needed, I get it, but my point here is that you need to aggressively apply some laser focus to one task at a time to move it to the finish line.

What I recommend you do here is to apply project sprints to your work.

✔️ You’ll want to create a project sprint that is somewhere between 1-2 weeks long (or less).

✔️ Aim to stay focused and avoid adding more than 3 important per day.

✔️ By important tasks, I’m talking about moving-the-needle-type of tasks and complete them each day.

Practicing project sprints gives you a boost in confidence and will help you maintain momentum in your short and long-term goals and projects because you’ll see progress being made.

You’ll also notice your output improve because you’re moving and completing projects with laser focus.

Give project sprints a try and implement the following approach to your content creation workflow:

  • Focus on one project at a time
  • Work in project sprints that last anywhere from 1-2 weeks (or less).
  • Break down your project into small digestible tasks
  • Aim for 3-5 (no more than 5) important tasks per day

What's next?

Remember to stick to your consistent publishing schedule—even when people aren’t reading or engaging—keep improving, iterating, auditing and refining your work and workflow.

Taking action will help you improve the quality of your work and help you improve your content creation workflow over time.

  • Use a timer to track how long it takes you to complete a series of your tasks
  • Identify ways to batch your tasks together
  • Focus on one project at a time

If you need help with simplifying your content marketing efforts, check out this blog post with more ways to improve your content creation workflow.

Keep creating,


3016 E. Colorado Blvd. #70841, Pasadena, CA 91107
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Nancy Casanova

Helping you simplify and streamline your content marketing.

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