đź“š Content Marketing & Storytelling Books

Hey Reader,

Do you want to improve your content marketing and storytelling skills, but aren’t sure where to start?

I have compiled a list of books that have influenced my content marketing and that teach storytelling frameworks, content creation methods and tips that I use on a regular basis.

These books are filled with many actionable tips, resources and frameworks that will help you better understand how to attract, connect and convert your audience through your content marketing efforts.

Here’s a list of recommended content marketing books to read if you’re a marketer, small business owner, social media manager or content creator who wants to improve their content marketing and storytelling skills.

​Storyworthy by Matthew Dicks: This book helps you simplify and organize your stories into five seconds. That sounds a little crazy to digest, but the author makes the case for why great stories usually take only five seconds to tell.

​Contagious by Jonah Berger: This book breaks down some of the science of what makes content, stories or information contagious. You'll learn about real-life case studies of campaigns and social behavior that helps you understand why certain things catch on and go viral. together.

​Building a StoryBrand by Donald Miller: This is an essential book for any marketer who wants to improve their messaging and brand positioning. There are many useful exercises in every chapter that help you refine and reframe your messaging.

​Content Fuel Framework by Melanie Deziel: This book should be in every content marketer’s toolkit because it provides you with tips and implementable systems to help you create and publish content in the best format for your audience.

​Made to Stick by Chip and Dan Heath: You’ll learn about the six principles that you’ll want to implement in order to make your message stick. This book is a great guide that can help transform how you communicate your ideas as a marketer, small business owner or through your personal brand.

​One Hour Content Plan by Meera Kothand: You will enjoy reading this book and will find a lot of useful takeaways and things you can implement in your marketing.

Do you have a favorite content marketing or storytelling book you’d recommend? I'd love to hear a book that has influenced your marketing.

Feel free to reply to this email.

Keep creating,


Nancy Casanova

Helping you simplify and streamline your content marketing.

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